Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Download Bijoy Bangla Software for Windows and Other OS

As far as I know, not all countries celebrate their mother tongue day. In 1952, a few brave hearts fought for the existence of our own Bengali nationalism. Mostafa Jabbar Sir Bangla-developed software that helped people around the world know that there is a language called Bangla, which has a great history behind it, and today people are excited and interested, the International Day of Mother Tongue celebration. Bijoy Bayanno was a Bengali updated software developed by Sir Mostafa Jabbar in the memory of the tongue movement in 1952 version. This type of software is not only for us but also for the people around the world write Bengali very useful.

One day I'm going to find myself was harassed Bengali software. I am a small blogger. I can not write much. I will still try to write something about the Bengali software. One day I got to look for and what to look for Bengali software to download it. But having installed on my computer is not working. So think very teen charged. So by itself, create a blog to share with you, I find the correct software.

For more details and free download
Bijoy xp/7/8 and Mac (Note: It's my other blog)
Click Here

Bijoy Bayanno and Bijoy Latest Version (Note: It's my other blog)
Click Here

Bijoy Classic and Bijoy 71 (Ekattor) (Note: It's my other blog)
Click Here